Stages of Memory

Information stored in our brain may have travelled between different stages to get there. The stage model of memory was first proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968:

  1. Sensory memory: 

    You probably might be able to guess what this stage involves as the clue is in the name.This stage involves the storage of information relating to your senses such as visual and auditory information. These are usually stored for a very short period of time. Our visual lasting for half a second and auditory information for around 3 to 4 seconds. Only some of these will pass into the next stage.

  2. Short term memory:

    This, I have already come across. Sensory information which we have paid attention to will enter our short term memory where it will last for around 30 seconds. If you want to learn more about short term memory, click on this link or you can search on the menu on my site.

  3. Long-term memory:

    Recalling and rehearsing short term memory can allow the information to enter the long-term memory storage. Information stored in the long-term are not always conscious in our minds but are stored in our minds so that we may retrieve it and recall the stored information when needed which is why sometimes, it is sometimes called working memory. You can find out more about how long term memory works on my site.


Kendra Cherry. (August 30, 2014.). What is Memory?. Available: . Last accessed 2/1/16.

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