What is memory?

Memory isn’t something tangible but rather our ability to store information such as facts and experiences and be able to recall and retrieve them again after a period of time. To help you to remember this, think about the function of a memory stick: we use memory stick to store information such as a document or photos so that we are able to retrieve it again later when they are needed to be used. Everybody has the ability to make memories which are formed every time we have new experiences. Since every one  of us have different experiences and interact differently being in different environments, all the memories we have within us are unique only to us. Most importantly, memories are what makes us, well, us. Our personality, our thoughts and the decisions we make are all dependant on our memories as we recall past events and experiences to make the decisions in the present and plan for the future. Without the ability to make memories, I guess we will simply not be able to more forward with time, right? Atleast, have no acknowledgement of time what so ever. The more I think about this and what memories enables us to do, the more I realise their fundamental importance associated with time. If you think about it, if we could make no memories, there would be no value of time, in my opinion.

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